Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Kansas to South Texas Fun

 Spring has sprung in the wonderful state of Kansas. Though this seashell is from the beach of South Padre Island.  We drove during the night and enjoyed night driving with much less traffic.
 The spring flowers of Kansas. Even the Wheat is 4-6 weeks ahead of schedule.  Only problem would be if a freeze came in and we are past that. Now we are this very week watching for tornado's and large hail.
The very versatile dandelion. I think they are really beautiful...but just like kittens and puppies...not so good when they grow up in 24 hrs and seed out everywhere! 
 The grandson his second time to South Padre Island in two years but in this picture it is his first foot steps on the sand for the year.  It feels so blasted good...we did not want to go home.
Granddaughter is fascinated with the Jelly Fish on the beach. She is such a animal lover of marine life of land life...doesn't matter she was trying to save all the Jelly Fish by throwing them back in to ocean.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Here I am talking and I should be breathing!!!
Chair Massage is so much fun!  It is simple and feels fabulous in between regular massage!
Now I'm laughing!! Great energy for me!
 Aah...just lean into the chair....

 The hands and the feet love massage and if you only have a short amount of time they are a perfect way of getting the benefits of massage on a lunch hour!
 Get into those rhomboids! The traps too!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

There is a unspeakable joy about Saturday's.  I massaged in the morning and that gets me focused, motivated and spiritually sparked to have a great day.  Hubby got a thickness planer to smooth out some of the wood that he is building for the house.  The deck can then be taken apart and resurfaced with the planer.  We drove through the city's weekend traffic to stop at the "Yard Store" that is like a candy store to both Hubby and I to find wheel and other things for our projects.

A soon to be gift for one of our kids back deck.  There will be benches to to go with it.  The wheels are not on the table yet but the pallet was a buck, we decided to use lawn timbers cut to 8" to keep it rustic. I stained the oak wood with a "Teak" that gives it a nice dark look.  The four wheels we choose are less then a buck a piece.  This thing is fabulous and sturdy and  just the beginning of the awesome things these kids will have to entertain friends.

My new bird house that I just got put up into the tree today too!  The face is hand carved by a local guy that you can find at the flea market every month in Wichita.  I have to get on the owl houses for my five screech owls and get them up.  We are running out of weekends that will be available before the cold winter moves us indoors.

I took the time to take pictures of the flowers in my gardens while I had the camera out.  I will be cutting many of these and pressing them in a phone book to put with some dollies from my grandmother in a picture frame.  I am so excited.

I have such a passion to massage, helping people have better health through body works but when I have a break I have a passion for my family and crafting. I'm off to enjoy the wonderful day the Lord as brought to me.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The first day of fall

The prairie weather has been wonderful with a small amount of rain and cooler weather. The first day of fall is a few hours away and I have been enjoying making some fall crafts and will post those in the near future.

I have been running into a lot of hip issues in my massage clients this past week.  To benefit completely on tight IT bands and inflamed bursa we need to concentrate on strengthening the adductor muscles.

Hubby goes to another doctor tomorrow to discuss some more test and checking on the severe heart burn that he deals with 90% of the time. So until later...enjoy the crickets with the open windows and the cool breeze.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Today started out with some much needed rain.  It didn't last long enough and the sun is peeping out.  We are still in the 60's and there is a wonderful breeze flowing out there in the Flinthills of Kansas.

Yesterday hubby and I went to get his results from the doctor and was told that the sonogram didn't show the same things that the CT scan showed.  So hubby goes back in 3 months for another CT scan.  Doc didn't seem concerned at all. When we mentioned that hubby's dad had kidney cancer and has his removed in 1995 then they really want to keep up on the test.

Hubby does go in Friday to have a sonogram of his gallbladder which is what we thought he has been dealing with for over a year.  The pain has gotten unbearable and doc said the CT scan didn't show anything.  The CT scan doesn't seem to be as accurate in the first place to set us in a frenzy with the thought of kidney cancer. YIKES!

I'm enjoying the happenings of the coming of I'm off to plant a few mums while I have a moment.

 I love planting grand kids first!!  They love being planted in the leaves!!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Today is a moment of life that keeps moving forward while I'm trying to put it in slow motion or even stop it.  My wonderful husband Devin hasn't felt good for over a year.  I can see him vividly sitting at the dinner table once in awhile telling me something isn't right...he just doesn't feel right.  He has been gracious enough to go to the doctor for yearly physicals for me.  We have pressed and they have test.

I talked Devin into going to the doctor again after him vowing that there were going to be no more doctors. He feels they never find anything and he was on antibiotics for 4 months.  He went in offering the thought of having gallbladder issues.  This lead to a CT scan of the stomach...5 mos ago they had scanned the pelvic area that only provided he didn't have a hernia. 

Last week they called first thing in the morning and told Devin he has 1 cyst on the right kidney and 2 on the left kidney with a mass in the middle.  Today we go for the outline of what has been found, the size of it and the stage it is in. 

Devin is now consistently drinking 8 oz  of a whole food consisting of aloe vera and sea nine vegetation with Taheebo. 

As I massage today I deeply have my husband in my heart and pray that I pour great positive energies to my clients.  I pray I can stay very strong for my husband and be everything I can be for him.  As life moves on...the prairie lands of Kansas have seen many storms...this to will blow over.